"The scholastic activities in school aim at providing students with skills that are necessary for life.They enhance the students’ talents and abilities and also provide scope for leadership training, development of different facets of personality, inculcation of values and collaborative work"
Online Classes in the Pandemic Situation
As an educational institution deeply committed to empowering students to reach their full potential, all the members of the AGIC family have had to reinvent themselves and adopt new strategies in these difficult times. Teachers never wavered from their responsibility and took their teaching strategies to a digital platform in order to continue to provide an intellectually engaging, learning environment. In order to facilitate this, online classes are being conducted for the students of Classes 6 to XII since April, 2020 over Google Meet. The students and teachers have accepted the challenge of online learning gracefully.
Middle School
The goal of the Middle School is to prepare students for secondary education. Academic subjects begin to evolve into ‘separate subject models’ of Secondary School where each subject is taught by a teacher who specialises in that field. Backed by the support of dedicated teachers and counsellors, special care is taken to ensure every student’s smooth transition into adolescence.
• Use of modern pedagogy like enquiry based learning, flipped classroom, peer teaching etc.
• Subjects taught are: English, 2nd Language, 3rd Language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, General Knowledge and Computer.
• Continuous evaluation through periodic tests
• Emphasis on developing life skills
• Ensuring a holistic development of students by honing their skills in art/craft and enabling them to pursue various club activities
• IT enhanced learning
Secondary School
Secondary education aims at enabling students to meet, with self-confidence and assurance, the challenges of the Board Examinations. Their training also includes the development of character, logical thinking, clarity of speech, art of community living, cooperation, tolerance, and sense of patriotism and a sense of world citizenship.
• Implementation of modern pedagogy like self-evaluation for assessment.
• Subjects taught are : English, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Computer, Home Science (Skill-based Subject --- Optional), Drawing (Skill-based Subject --- Optional).
• Continuous evaluation through periodic tests.
• Regular remedial classes
• Emphasis on developing life skills
• IT enhanced learning
Senior Secondary
The Senior Secondary Section offers a wide spectrum of subjects to choose from. The two year integrated course offers a learning environment conducive to thorough exploration of the strengths of each student. This in turn assists them in choosing a career befitting their aptitude and skills.
Subjects Taught :
Science Stream
- English/Hindi/Urdu
- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
- Biology
- English/Hindi/Urdu
- Education/ Sociology
- History
- Learning Environment
Lush green campus, Airy Classrooms, Laboratories; activity rooms etc. are designed for greater efficiency. A teacher student ratio of 1:30 ensures individual attention to the pupils. Our pupil are encouraged and guided to develop their analytical and problem solving skills. Special tutorial/remedial teaching both during and after school hours are arranged according to the need of each child.
- Methodology
At AGIC the curriculum is structured in a manner that keeps your child in touch with the ever-changing world trends, right from the junior years to the senior level. We provide education with an objective to empower students to make decisions, to find creative solutions and plan effective action strategies.
-Technology Integration
Smart Classes
Interactive screens are used in AGIC Smart Classes as reinforcement for traditional whiteboards or flipcharts. They provide ways to show students anything which can be presented on a computer's desktop (educational software, websites and others). In addition, interactive whiteboards allow teachers to record their instruction and post the material for review by students at later time This is a very effective instructional strategy for students who benefit from repletion, who need to see the material presented again, for students who are absent from school, for struggling learners, and for review for examinations.